Easy-grip Combo Ear Punch; 1mm & 2mm; 6" Length Benefits -
Comfortable grip - Easy to clean - Allows for 1mm and 2mm punches in one instrument Ear punching is a simple and inexpensive way to identify laboratory animals. There is no need to stock additional ear tags or other supplies. But punching has its challenges, too. Punching holes repeatedly with ring-handle ear punches can be hard on the fingers because the finger loops can bruise the technician’s skin. Short clip-style punches are hard to grab and press firmly enough for a clean punch. The Easy-gripTM Ear Punch has no finger loops and it is easy to work with. Easy-grip’s handle offers a firm grip without discomfort to the fingers. The long handles also provide the leverage necessary to make a clean, easy punch while ensuring that the technician’s hand is well away from the animal. The pin and hole are close to the jaws’ tip for easy positioning over the animal’s ear. The new combo ear punch features a rotating hole disk which allows for 1mm and 2mm punches with one instrument.